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Montreal Protocol assessment reveals healing ozone, untapped potential for climate action


The latest Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion reveals a healing ozone layer, global warming reduction potential, and options for more ambitious climate action.

Extreme weather reveals changing climate


A new report by the Met Office, published today, reveals further details about changes in the UK?s climate since the 1960s. By documenting temperature and rainfall climate extremes, including periods of warmth, cold and spells of wet or dry weather, the report reveals changes in some types of extreme weather.?By comparing different meteorological reference periods, a number of interesting trends can be observed. For example, the hottest day of each year over the most recent decade (2008-2017) in the UK has been on average 0.8 ?C warmer than the hottest day of each year over the period 1961-1990. Conversely, the lowest temperature of the year has shown an even greater increase, becoming 1.7 ?C milder between the two periods in the UK.

WMO joins global commitment to cut air pollution


The World Meteorological Organization has joined?the global commitment to reduce deaths due to air pollution?by two thirds by 2030. At the World Health Organization?s first ever?Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health, WMO pledged to strengthen the quality and availability of pollution observations, enable provision of air quality forecast and advisory services and incorporate health impacts in key scientific assessments on climate and climate change.

Conference on Air Pollution and Health seeks greater action


The World Meteorological Organization is one of the co-organizers of the World Health Organization?s first ?Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health. The conference seeks to increase commitments from governments, health authorities, international organizations and the scientific community to act against this serious health threat.

WMO Reactive Gases Bulletin highlights ozone pollution


Air quality regulations and anti-pollution measures in Europe and North America have had very positive impacts on air quality. Since the year 2000, both average and peak surface ozone concentrations? have levelled off and even started to fall at some locations after increasing throughout the twentieth century, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization.

WMO leads new flood and drought management project for Volta Basin


The 32nd??Meeting of the?Adaptation Fund?Board, which was held in Bonn, Germany on 9-12 October 2018, has endorsed a USD 7.92 million regional proposal submitted ?by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) entitled ?Integrating Flood and Drought management and early warning for climate change adaptation in the Volta Basin.??The targeted project countries include Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d?Ivoire, Ghana, Mali and Togo.

WMO addresses Arctic Science Ministerial


The unprecedented changes happening in the Arctic are impacting the fragile Arctic ecosystem and have deep impacts on the people living there. Arctic changes are also influencing the global climate system and sea level.

ARAB METEOROLOGICAL DAY : Climate services in support of sustainable development (Egypt)


The Arab Republic of Egypt celebrated today the Arab Meteorological Day, which commemorates the establishment of the Permanent Arab Meteorological Committee that was endorsed by the Council of the League of Arab States at the ministerial level on September 15, 1970

Himawari-8 Conducts First Target Area Observation in Response to International User Request - Japan Meteorological Agency


JMA's Himawari-8 meteorological satellite began conducting on-demand Target Area (TA) observation around Darwin in northern Australia at 06:30 UTC on 15 October 2018 in response to a request made by Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). This is the first operation of its kind to be performed under the new HimawariRequest service.

Professor Penelope Endersby to be new Met Office Chief Executive


The Met Office is pleased to announce that Professor Penelope Endersby will be its new Chief Executive from December.?Professor Penelope?Endersby?joins the?UK?s?world-leading?national meteorological service from the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory?(Dstl)?where she?led?the Cyber and Information Systems Division?and was Acting Chief Technical Officer as well as a Non-Exec Director of Ploughshare Innovation, the MOD?s?technology transfer organisation.??

WMO emphasizes adaptation at Chatham House conference


WMO Deputy Secretary-General Elena Manaenkova was one of the speakers at the annual Chatham House Climate Change Conference, with a presentation on a foundation for weather- and climate-resilient sustainable development.

Regional Association for Asia Pacific focuses on resilience


The need to accelerate climate change adaptation and improve multi-hazard early warning systems to increase resilience to extreme weather took centre-stage at WMO?s Regional Association for Asia and the Pacific (RAV), hosted by Tonga from 15-17 October.

Strengthening hydrometeorological and early warning services in the Pacific


Pacific countries presented the status of progress in the development of their early warning systems as part of a three-year project entitled ?Strengthening Hydro-meteorological and Early Warning Services in the Pacific?.

Monthly Weather Summary - September 2018 - Kingdom of Bahrain


September 2018 goes on record as the second hottest September ever experienced in Bahrain since 1902. Hot and humid weather dominated the Kingdom of Bahrain during the month of September due to the moist easterly winds.?The mean temperature of the month was 34.5?C which is 2.1?C above the long-term normal and goes on record as second the highest mean temperatures for the month of September since 1902. This is same as September 1998 & 2015 and only exceeded by September 2017 with a record of 34.6?C.
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Finnish Meteorological Institute launches the third development co-operation project in Nepal


The objective of the co-operation is to improve Nepal's preparedness for natural disasters caused by weather conditions and to support the service development and personnel competence of the local weather services.?The third development co-operation project of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology in Nepal (DHM) funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland was launched in September in Kathmandu. The FNEP3 project covers years 2018?2021. The objective of the project is to improve Nepal's preparedness for natural disasters caused by weather conditions by, for example, developing customer-oriented weather services and personnel competence.?

Very Severe Cyclonic Storm “TITLI” over Bay of Bengal and Very Severe Cyclonic Storm “LUBAN” over Arabian Sea - India Meteorological Department


In a rarest of rare occurrence, two very severe cyclonic storms (VSCS), one each in Bay of Bengal (7-13?Oct.) and Arabian Sea (06-14 Oct.) developed simultaneously during October 2018. The VSCS, Titli crossed north Andhra Pradesh and South Odisha coast near Palasa (18.80N/84.40E) to the southwest of Gopalpur during 0430-0530 IST of 11th as a VSCS with the wind speed of 140-150 gusting to 165 kmph, The VSCS, Luban crossed Yemen and adjoining Oman coast to the south of Al-Ghaida during 1100-1130 IST of 14th October as a cyclonic storm with a wind speed of 70-80 kmph gusting to 90 kmph.
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New report highlights economic cost of disasters


The last twenty years have seen a dramatic rise of 151% in direct economic losses from climate-related disasters, according to a new report released by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).

Working Across Borders to Improve Early Warnings in South Eastern Europe


A massive storm system brought historic flooding across South Eastern Europe in 2014, causing more than $2 billion in damages in Bosnia and Herzegovina and shrinking Serbia?s economy by nearly a full percent. Two years later, in August 2016, thunderstorms in the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia dropped 93 liters of precipitation per square meter in just a few hours, sparking flash floods in the capital, Skopje, that killed at least?21 people.

WMO and World Bank partner to support sustainable development


The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the World Bank are partnering to leverage WMO weather, climate and hydrological expertise to enhance developing countries? resilience to climate change.? At the margins of the World Bank Group Annual Meetings, WMO and the World Bank signed a new framework agreement to strengthen and streamline their cooperation in support of Member countries? capacity to apply the best available science for resilient development.?

World Bank and WMO announce Hydromet Development Alliance commitment


World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Petteri Taalas today announced a joint commitment with the World Bank to spearhead the creation of an Alliance for Hydromet Development to boost climate and weather science and information for a resilient world.?


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