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Delta makes landfall


Hurricane Delta made?landfall in Northeast Mexico as?a strong?category 2?on the Saffir Simpson scale. It then went on to hit the Gulf Coast of the United States of America.

Caluroso setiembre e inicio de octubre del 2020 - Dirección de Meteorología e Hidrología Paraguay


El mes de setiembre de 2020 fue extremadamente caluroso. Hubo d?as en el que se registraron valores de temperaturas muy elevadas en diferentes localidades del Paraguay, ?stos superaron en algunos casos m?ximas? hist?ricas de hace m?s de tres d?cadas.?Las anomal?as de las temperaturas, m?nima media, media y m?xima media, muestran valores positivos ?distribuidos en todo el territorio nacional. Es de resaltar los valores de anomal?as de la temperatura m?xima media de hasta 5,0 ?C en el noreste de la Regi?n Oriental.
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Se registraron nueve records históricos de temperatura máxima en la jornada - DMH Paraguay


En el primer d?a de octubre se registraron nueve r?cords hist?ricos de temperatura m?xima en el pa?s, una localidad en particular(Puerto Casado) despu?s de 35 a?os, mientras que las restantes, superaron las marcas hist?ricas, en su mayor?a registradas en lo que va del a?o, Algunas temperaturas m?ximas hist?ricas que fueron registradas el d?a 26 y 30 de setiembre, volvieron a superarse el d?a de hoy.
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50th Anniversary of Fengyun Satellite Program - China Meteorological Administration


This year marks the 50th anniversary of China?s Fengyun Satellite Program. Up to now, China has launched 17 Fengyun meteorological satellites in total, with 7 in orbit. The Chinese meteorological satellites Fengyun, or FY in acronym, are arranged in series. The odd number series is the polar-orbiting satellite series, and the even number series is the geostationary ones.?Development and implementation of Fengyun Satellite Program is a national cause upon which pools the efforts from many institutions that undertake the production of satellite and carrier rocket, launching, telemetry & control, as well as the ground application. It is by the concerted endeavor of them that a complete meteorological satellite application system has been established. National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC) of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) has become the operator of both polar-orbiting and geostationary meteorological satellites. Fengyun satellites are becoming ever more important in protecting life and property of people from natural disasters.

Tres nuevos récords de temperaturas máximas - DMH Paraguay


En?el ?ltimo d?a de setiembre,?las localidades?de Salto del Guair? y Minga?Guaz?,?batieron los r?cords hist?ricos de temperatura m?xima despu?s de 35?a?os y la localidad de Pilar despu?s de 57 a?os. Mientras que,?Paraguar? volvi? a igualar su r?cord hist?rico por segunda?vez en este mes de setiembre.?En la tabla se puede observar de?color rojo?los nuevos valores de temperatura m?xima hist?rica.??Cabe se?alar que este setiembre finaliza,?con 6 nuevos?r?cords de temperaturas m?ximas en el pa?s.?
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Monthly Weather Summary - September 2020 - Kingdom of Bahrain


September 2020 goes on record as the hottest September ever experienced in Bahrain since 1902.?Hot and humid weather dominated the Kingdom of Bahrain during the month of September due to the moist easterly to Southeasterly winds.?The mean temperature of the month was 34.8?C which is 2.4?C above the long-term normal for September and this goes on record as the highest mean temperatures for September since 1902. The old record was 34.6?C recorded in September 2017.
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ECMWF moves towards a policy of open data


The World Meteorological Organization has welcomed the announcement by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts that hundreds of?ECMWF forecast charts?will become free and accessible to all.

Volta Basin seeks to increase resilience to floods and drought


In the past few months many parts of the Volta Basin have been hit by heavy rainfall, causing floods which have displaced thousands of people and led to loss of life and livelihoods. Ghana, Burkina Faso, C?te d'Ivoire and Benin have all been impacted.

Deferral of Aeronautical Meteorological Service Charges Payment to Support Airlines amid COVID-19 Pandemic


The Aviation Meteorological Office (AMO) of the Republic of Korea has implemented a payment deferral program for aeronautical meteorological service charges to support airlines in overcoming the economic hardships caused by COVID-19 pandemic.?The AMO imposes aeronautical meteorological service charges on each international flight landing at airports in the Republic of Korea or flying over the Flight Information Region (FIR). However, monthly aeronautical meteorological service charges on landing aircraft are deferred for each airline for three months, from March to November 2020. No interest will be applied to the deferred fees during the period of deferment.?Read more >>??

Delta makes landfall in Mexico


Hurricane Delta has made?landfall in Northeast Mexico as?a strong?category 2?on the Saffir Simpson scale.

Delta instensifies rapidly into major hurricane


Hurricane Delta is close to landfall in Mexico as?a dangerous category 3 on the Saffir Simpson scale.

2020 Antarctic ozone hole is large and deep


The annually occurring ozone hole over the Antarctic is one of the largest and deepest in recent years. Analyses show that the hole has reached its maximum size.

Mediterranean episode causes unprecedented rainfall


Parts of southern France and northern Italy are recovering from unprecedented rainfall on 2 to 3 October, linked to a so-called Mediterranean episode. Autumn ?is traditionally peak season for such episodes, fuelled by the warmth of Mediterranean waters.

Support grows for Systematic Observations Financing Facility


Three major European meteorological institutions have joined the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to announce their support for the creation of a new Systematic Observations Financing Facility.

Climate Investment Funds joins the Alliance for Hydromet Development


The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) is officially joining?the Alliance for Hydromet Development. The virtual ceremony is taking?place?during the week-long Executive Council Meeting of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) from September 28 to October 2 2020.

South Asian Climate Outlook issued


Below-normal rainfall is likely during the 2020 October ? December (OND) season over the southern parts of?South Asia including some parts of extreme southeastern India and?most parts of Sri Lanka and Maldives, which climatologically receive good amount of rainfall during the season, according to the South Asian Climate Outlook Forum.?

MET Office launches new website - Tonga


29th September, 2020 The Minister for MEIDECC Honorable Poasi Tei launches the new website for the Tonga Meteorological Services which was live to the public at 7:00pm 28th September 2020.?This new website is a renewal of the current website which has been operating since 2003. The main objective of this development is to have a more responsive and user-friendly web interface for the general public.

Fengyun Meteorological Satellite Program to mark its 50th anniversary - China Meteorological Administration


2020 marks the 50th anniversary of China?s Fengyun meteorological satellite program. Over the past decades, 17 Fengyun meteorological satellites have been launched, among which 7 are in-orbit now. On the occasion of commemorating the 50th anniversary of Fengyun meteorological satellite program, the reporter of China Meteorological News Press have an interview with Prof. Xu Jianmin, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the former Director-General of National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC).
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Climate change increases the risk of wildfires


There is strengthened evidence that climate change increases the frequency and/or severity of fire weather around the world. Land management alone cannot explain recent increases in wildfires, according to an update from internationally acclaimed scientists.

61st issue of the TCC News - Japan Meteorological Agency


The Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has released the 61st issue of the TCC News on the TCC website.?This issue covers:?- Climate Characteristics of Record-heavy Rain and Record-low Sunshine Durations in Japan in July 2020?- TCC's forecasting gridded dataset FAQ.?Read more >>


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