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Scientific Assessment confirms start of recovery of ozone layer


The full Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion?is now available. It shows that actions taken under the Montreal Protocol have led to decreases in the atmospheric abundance of controlled ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) and the start of the recovery of stratospheric ozone.

Coastal Flooding Forecast Strengthened in Indonesia


Indonesia is making progress in integrating coastal flood forecasting into its meteorological early warning system to increase protection against one of the major hazards impacting the country.

WMO confirms past 4 years were warmest on record


In a clear sign of continuing long-term climate change associated with record atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 have been confirmed as the four warmest years on record.?

2019 starts with extreme, high-impact weather


The start of 2019?has been marked by high impact weather in many parts of the world, including record heat,?wildfires and rainfall in South America and Australasia, ?dangerous and extreme cold in North America, and heavy snowfall in the Alps and Himalayas.

The weather in January: a month of extremes


The month of January has been marked by high impact weather in many parts of the world, including dangerous and extreme cold in North America, record heat,?wildfires and rainfall in Australia, high temperatures and rainfall in parts of South America, and heavy snowfall in the Alps and Himalayas.

HIGHWAY improves early warnings for Lake Victoria


A coordinated campaign to improve early warning systems and increase resilience to extreme weather is being rolled out in the Lake Victoria region, the largest freshwater body in Africa and the biggest inland fishery in the world.?WMO provides the umbrella for the?HIGH impact Weather Lake System project, known as HIGHWAY,? which brings together partners including the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and UK and the US National Center for Atmospheric Research. It is managed by the?WMO?and funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID).?

40 grados y contando: La histórica ola de calor que batió récord en la zona central - Dirección Meteorológical de Chile


Si ustedes est?n buscando c?mo capear el calor de estos d?as, les advertimos que esta publicaci?n no tiene nada de refrescante!. De hecho, puede que les de m?s calor a?n el recordar el hist?rico fin de semana que vivimos? o que sobrevivimos.?La ola de calor que afect? a la zona central trajo consigo temperaturas hist?ricas en Santiago y sobre 40?C en diferentes zonas del interior de la Regi?n de Valpara?so y O?Higgins, zonas que si bien est?n acostumbradas al calor, pr?cticamente nunca registran temperaturas tan elevadas.
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The 17th GFCS Project Delivery Team (PDT) Invited Engage Development Parnters, NGO and Sector Ministries to Brainstorm on Implementation of National Framework For Climate Services


On 17th January 2019, The Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), Tanzania Project Delivery Team (PDT) organized an extended PDT with invitees from UN agencies, NGO?s and Sector Ministries with the aim of obtaining needs and suggestions for effective implementation of the NFCS.?During the opening of the meeting, the acting PDT Chair Mr. Juvenal Kisanga appreciated the participation of the invited participants ?I appreciate the participation of? NGOs, ministries, sectors and development partners as I believe their presence will assist on provision and update on sector needs, ideas and suggestions of which will support the efective implementation of the NFCS? said Mr. Kisanga.?
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WMO addresses UN Security Council for first time


For the first time in its history, the World Meteorological Organization has addressed the UN Security Council on the risks to international peace and security posed by climate change and weather-related disasters.

Near-term climate prediction ‘coming of age’


Bridging the gap between shorter-term seasonal forecasts and long-term climate projections has long been a dream of climate scientists.

Environmental risks dominate World Economic Forum survey


Environmental risks continue to dominate the World Economic Forum?s annual Global Risks Perception Survey, accounting for three of the top five risks by likelihood and four by impact.?

New Year ushers in high-impact weather


The year 2019 has started where 2018 left off ? with extreme weather causing disruption, damage and loss of life. The high impact of these events ? some of which are consistent from what we expect as a result of climate change - ?underline why extreme weather, climate change and environmental risks dominated the World Economic Forum?s annual Global Risks Perception Survey.

Argo ocean floats achieve 2 million profiles in 20 years, support new research on ocean heat


An international effort delivering an unsurpassed look at changes occurring in the ocean worldwide has achieved a major milestone as it marks its 20th anniversary. The Argo programme, which incorporates about 4,000 floats worldwide, delivered its two millionth profile of physical data from the from the upper 2 kilometers of the worlds oceans.?

Megasequía, la historia continúa - Dirección Meteorológical de Chile


A pocos d?as de terminar el 2018 y como es de esperar surgen los recuentos, res?menes y/o conclusiones de lo que signific? este a?o. Nosotros no quisimos estar ajenos a esta tendencia y ya contamos con algunos datos relevantes. Entre ellos destaca que el a?o?2018 se suma al per?odo seco?de m?s larga duraci?n en Chile central, mejor conocido como Megasequ?a, y se posiciona dentro de los 5 a?os m?s secos en los registros pluviom?tricos de la ciudad de Santiago.
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A warm 2018 with the strike of Mangkhut - Hong Kong Observatory


Globally, according to the World Meteorological Organization's preliminary assessment, 2018 is on course to be the fourth warmest year on record. Over the Arctic, sea-ice extent was well below average throughout 2018 and reached record-low levels in the first two months of the year. Various extreme weather events continued to wreak havoc in different parts of the world in 2018, including heatwaves in large parts of Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Japan and the Korean Peninsula, cold spells in parts of Europe and Morocco, severe drought in Uruguay, northern and central Argentina, eastern Australia and large parts of Europe.

Argo ocean floats achieve 2 million profiles in 20 years


An international effort delivering an unsurpassed look at changes occurring in the ocean worldwide has achieved a major milestone as it marks its 20th anniversary. The Argo programme, which incorporates about 4,000 floats worldwide, delivered its two millionth profile of physical and chemical data from the world?s oceans.?

Andorra joins WMO


The Principality of Andorra has become the 192nd Member of WMO. ?The small, landlocked? nation, situated between France and Spain in the Pyrenees mountains, will become the 51st country in WMO?s Regional Association for Europe (RAVI).

Monthly Weather Summary - December 2018 - Kingdom of Bahrain


December 2018, was warmer than normal in temperatures with below average precipitation and relative humidities.?The mean temperature of the month was 21.6?C which is 2.4?C above the long-term normal and this goes on record as the third highest mean temperatures for the month of December since 1902 and exceeded by December 2001 with a record of 22.5?C and December 1998 with a record of 22.3?C.
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Ishigakijima recognized as a long-term observing station by WMO - Japan Meteorological Agency


The Ishigakijima Meteorological Office ? a facility of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) located in southern Japan ? was recognized by WMO as a long-term observing station in 2017 after over 120 years of ongoing meteorological observations there. The Office was established on 5 December 1896 and has hosted meteorological observation work ever since.

Year 2018 was warm and dry - Finnish Meteorological Institute


Year 2018 will be remembered for its particularly warm and dry summer.?
- Year 2018 is one of the top ten hottest years ever recorded.?
- The growing period's thermal time sum was record high.?
- Dry summer kept the annual rainfall historically low at several?observation stations.?


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